
A photo story by Isaac Wasserman

December 2020 was a tumultuous time in the United States. Political tension was climaxing following the November election. COVID was rampant and causing vast debate over protocol. And social tensions were high because of instances of police brutality and the protests that ensued.

When I drove partially across the country that month, I was eager to ask the people I met the following question: How do you feel about being an American right now?

What I found was American pride. For some, people’s pride fueled anger. Strong bipartisan political views ignited the demand for political change. For others, their pride turned into exhaustion from living in a society in chaos and turmoil. Few were satisfied with their identity as an American, but everyone had pride and hope for a better future.

I would like to note that this project is not reflective of the diverse American population. It is, however, reflective of the people that I met on the road.

Right: "We live in the greatest country in the entire world. If you were born in America, you should wake up every day and thank God you were born in America." -Scot Glascoe (Right) and Scot Glascoe Jr. (Left), Rapid City, SD