Where Graduates are living today
Q&A By Brooklyn Stern
Naiomi Meyer, Austin
Naomi Meyer, UO class of 2022 graduate, took a leap of faith moving to Austin, TX. "I didn't want to move back to Portland right after graduation," Meyer said, "I knew if I did, I would get stuck.”
Meyer made the move after LinkedIn named Austin the No. 1 city for graduates to land entry-level jobs in 2022. She began working at a jewelry boutique but wanted to use her degree. She continued job-searching and attended several coffee dates hoping to open a door. After an eight-month search, Meyer secured a job with a Tech PR firm.
Meyer has played pickleball, attended live music shows, and stumbled upon a dog drag show in Austin. Despite adjusting to humid summers, Meyer is confident about calling Austin home.
Kelsey Munger, Chicago
After a visit during winter break of senior year, UO class of 2022 graduate, Kelsey Munger realized Chicago had more to offer than she thought. “The character, friendly atmosphere, and food scene caught my attention and as a foodie, good restaurants are important to me,” said Munger.
Moving to a city where Munger knew no one was terrifying. She spent months returning to an empty home and grappled in the absence of a support system. She eased her way into participating in rec sports leagues, music festivals, and even a few Bumble BFF coffee dates. Munger reminds recent graduates the hardest part is the initial move, but it’s “character building and pushes you out of your comfort zone. But that grows you. And if Chicago is your destination, make sure you have a warm jacket.”
Saranda Bickle, San Diego
Chasing the sunshine, Saranda Bickle moved to San Diego, CA after graduating in 2022. Despite not having a job lined up, she was enticed by warm weather and beaches. Bickle said, "It's got to be one of the best places to live in the country. So I decided to give it a shot." She enjoys the abundance of yoga studios, the city's walkability, and Mexican food. After months of searching, Bickle eventually secured a remote internship.
Reflecting on her move, Bickle said she was "maybe overly confident." “Graduating felt scary. It was like, hey, you did all this work, here's a diploma, now go figure it out.”